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Like many words, "smart" has lots of meanings.

For example, "smart" can describe a well-dressed person. We can also use "smart" as a verb, meaning "to feel pain". But the most usual meaning of "smart" is "to be very good at learning and understanding things". So when students do well at school and get good grades, we say they are "smart".

Being smart, however, goes out of classrooms. People can be smart in different ways. If they have been in school for many years and have learned a lot, people may call them "book-smart". Such people often know the names of great thinkers, scientists and other famous people in history. They know facts and information that other people don't know. However, sometimes such people are not smart when it comes to life skills. Then, people who are good at solving life problems are "street-smart". They may not have read many books, but they have the ability to use their experience.

Then, it may surprise you that "getting smart" is not good. "Getting smart " means "being rude or impolite". It's very common to hear parents say to their children, "Don't get smart with me." And that's not the only "smart" expression that can get you into trouble. We often use "smart" with "off" together. In class, there is a student who has a really smart mouth. He gives the teacher smart answers in class too many times. The teacher may say, "Do not smart off in class!"

1.If you cut yourself and it hurts a lot, you can say, "_______!"

A.I'm book-smart B.I'm street-smart

C.That really smarts D.I have a smart mouth

2.Why aren't book-smart people smart sometimes?

A.Because they haven't read many books.

B.Because they have a really smart mouth.

C.Because they don't get good grades at school.

D.Because they sometimes can't solve life problems.

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.Leave me alone. B.Don't be rude to me.

C.It's none of your business. D.Don't pay attention to me.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.When to use "smart" B.Learning to be smart

C.Is being smart good or not? D.Different meanings of "smart"

