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direct/dIrekt/adj. & v.

adj. with nothing or no one in between; immediate

Keep products away from direct sunlight and store in a dry cool place.

v. to tell or show sb. how to get somewhere

Can you direct me to the bus station?

strike/straIk/n. & v.

n. stopping of work by workers because of a disagreement

To get more money, the workers have begun a three-day strike.

v.(pt, pp:struck/strk/) hit (sb./sth.)

The stone struck me on the head.

sudden/sdn/adj.happening or done quickly

The driver made a sudden turn in the road.

suddenly/sdnli/adv. quickly

He went to America suddenly.

valuable/vljubl/ adj. very useful or important

Don't waste any valuable time.

value/vlju/ n. quality of being useful or desirable

This lesson adds to the value of the book.

1.Which of the following words comes the first in alphabetical (字母的) order in a dictionary?

A. strike   B. direct   C. sudden   D. valuable

2.The word “struck” means “________” in the sentence “The child was struck by car on the road”.

A. stopping of work   B. hit

C. showed the way   D. coming quickly

3.Which sentence is WRONG according to the pages of the dictionary?

A. The ball struck me on the nose.

B. We directed the old man to the park.

C. The car stopped suddenly.

D. The story has very little news valuable.

