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A long time ago there was a boy. He was smart, talented and handsome.  _________, he was very selfish and his temper was so _________ that nobody wanted to be friends with him. Often he got angry and said various_________ things to people around him.

The boy's parents were very  __________about his bad temper. They considered what they could do and one day the father had an idea. He called his son and gave him a hammer and a bag of_________.The father said: “Every time you get angry, take a nail and _________ it into that old fence as hard as you can.”

The fence was very_________and the hammer was heavy, nevertheless the boy was so angry that during the very first day he drove 37 nails.

Day after day, week after week, the number of nails was gradually_________. After some time, the boy started to understand that  _________his temper is easier than driving nails into the fence.

One day the boy didn't __________hammer and nails any more as he learned to hold his temper perfectly. So he came to his father and told about his_________. “Now every time, when you hold your temper all day long,_________one nail,”his father said.

Much time has passed. At last the boy could be_________ of himself as all the nails were gone. When he came to his father and told about this, he_________to come and take a careful look at the fence. “You did a good job, my son,_________ pay your attention to the __________ that were left from the nails. The fence will _________ be the same. The same happens when you say hurtful things to people, as your words leave__________in their hearts like those holes in the fence. Remember, we need to _________everyone with love and respect. It is meaningless to say you are sorry, because the scars  you leave will not _________.

1.A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Instead

2.A. violent B. generous C. gentle D. harmful

3.A. exhausting B. genuine C. hurtful D. terrifying

4.A. patient B. curious C. pleased D. concerned

5.A. coins B. seeds C. nails D. stones

6.A. drive B. place C. throw D. wipe

7.A. soft B. hard C. loose D. strong

8.A. decreasing B. increasing C. staying D. changing

9.A. preventing B. showing C. losing D. holding

10.A. hit B. need C. have D. take

11.A. belief B. admission C. achievement D. attention

12.A. pull out B. destroy C. change D. throw away

13.A. fond B. ashamed C. tired D. proud

14.A. agreed B. offered C. permitted D. wondered

15.A. so B. then C. thus D. but

16.A. holes B. tracks C. damage D. marks

17.A. still B. never C. sometimes D. always

18.A. wounds B. anger C. scars D. pain

19.A. award B. provide C. consider D. treat

20.A. exist B. last C. disappear D. grow

