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First Hotel

Address : 222 Edward                 Telephone :414-6433

The number of rooms : 120       Single room : $ 85       Double room :$ 100

Special attractions : French restaurant . Swimming pool . Coffee shop . Telephone and television in each room . Close to the city center .

Fairview Hotel

Address :  129 North Road          Telephone : 591- 5620

The number of rooms : 50      Single room : $55       Double room :$ 75

Special attractions : Close to the airport . Telephone in each room . Bar. Restaurant . Swimming pool .Garage 车库

Orchard Hotel

Address : 233 Edward            Telephone : 641 - 6446

The number of rooms : 120     Single room : $65       Double room :$ 95

Special attractions : European Restaurant . Coffee shop . Television in each room .

Osake Hotel

Address : 1264 Venning  Road                    Telephone :643-8200

The number of rooms : 180      Single room : $105       Double room :$ 120

Special attractions : Japanese and Chinese restaurants .Swimming pool . Large garden . Shop

1.If Tom wants to live near the city center , which hotel is convenient方便的to him ?

A.  First Hotel    B.  Fairview Hotel    C. Orchard Hotel   D. Osake Hotel

2.Which of the following hotels has the fewest rooms ?

A.  First Hotel    B.  Fairview Hotel    C. Orchard Hotel   D. Osake Hotel

3.The Greens need one double room and two single rooms in Orchard Hotel. How much should they pay ?

A. $ 65      B. $ 95       C. $225      D. $255

4. If you want to relax yourself in a large garden , you can call ____________.

A. 414- 6433    B. 591-5620     C. 641 - 6446    D. 643-8200

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?

A.  There are four hotels in this passage.

B. First Hotel has 120 rooms.

C.  Rooms in Osake Hotel are the most expensive of all.

D.  Osake Hotel is at 1264 Edward Road.

