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Jane Goodall first made friends with a chimp (黑猩猩)when she was one year old. On her first birthday her mother carried her to the zoo near her home and bought her a toy chimp. 1._____ At age 7, Jane Gooddatl read Dr. Doolittle, a book about a doctor who could talk to animals. She wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal, too. She expected to go to Africa some day so that she could learn more about chimps. When Jane grew up, 2._____. She got her wish when she was 26 years old. She went to Gombe National Park where many chimps lived in the forests.

Jane watched the chimps closely day after day. 3._____ They could think and make plans. They used tools. They showed their fear, pain, or pleasure. Sometimes, they fought. Often, they hugged(拥抱)and kissed.4.______. They knew that the relation between chimps and humans was the closest. However, they did not know they acted so much like us.

Jane still has the toy chimp she was given as a child. She has studied her furry friends for over 30 years. Now, 5._____. She hopes that what she has to say will make others do something to protect chimps from being hurt.

