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The day before Mother’s Day, Mrs. Berry asked her students to make a card for their mothers. She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.

Mary looked for a while at the blue cloth and began to cut it. Then she   her paper in half and began writing. When Mary finally looked at the message the teacher gave on the paper, she noticed something else. She felt her   grow hot---she hadn’t heard that anyone who didn’t have a mother could make one for a grandmother or an aunt.

As her teacher   to her, Mary tried covering her card with her arm, but Mrs. Berry gently lifted it so that she could   it. Mary sat   , waiting for her to say something, but she saw a   roll down Mrs. Berry’s face. She had never made Mrs. Berry so     .

When school was over, Mary   until all the other kids left so that she could apologize . “I’m sorry for not listening. I’ll make another card   you want. I’ll do it at home and   it tomorrow.”

  are you talking about?” asked Mrs. Berry.

“My Mother’s Day card. I know you’re sad because I didn’t do it     .”

“Mary, that was the   card in the whole class. It was so   that it made me cry. ”

Mary was so   that she ran out of the classroom.

When her father came home from work that night, Mary   to give him the card early .

On the front of the card was a   of Mary’s father, with a blue piece of cloth cut like his hair. Inside the card she had written:

Dear Dad,

I know you work really hard to be both a   and a father. I want to thank you and     you a Happy Mother’s Day!



When her dad read the card he started   , just like Mrs Berry did.

1.A. cut                  B. took              C. folded            D. spread

2.A. heart                 B. hands          C. face               D. body

3.A . ran                 B. jumped          C. walked           D. did

4.A. catch              B. leave          C. read               D. place

5.A. still                B. alone          C. up               D. down

6.A. tear                 B. hair              C. smile            D. spot

7.A. happy              B. upset          C. satisfied           D. glad

8.A. waited              B. worked          C. stood            D. sat

9.A. because              B. until          C. unless            D. if

10.A. take              B. hold              C. bring            D. catch

11.A. Who              B. That              C. What            D. Which

12.A. right              B. quickly          C. wrong            D. carefully

13.A. worst              B. best              C. favorite           D. simplest

14.A. sweet              B. wild              C. useful            D. hard

15.A. regretful             B. happy          C. brave            D. rude

16.A. seemed              B. refused          C. decided           D. promised

17.A. recording          B. drawing          C. discovery        D. writing

18.A. teacher              B. sister          C. aunt               D. mommy

19.A. hope              B. wish          C. want            D. congratulate

20.A. crying              B. joking          C. worrying           D. laughing

