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When I entered the classroom, our teacher announced we were going to have a math test. I looked at the paper full of what looked like hieroglyphs (象形文字) to me and began to     . I did my best that I could, and then left my     to put my paper in a pile (摞) on the front desk with a sigh (叹息).

I returned and then an idea came to my mind. I checked where the teacher was     I made my move. She was walking in the     of the room with hands behind her back. I went back to the pile of test papers that already handed in and when I picked up my paper I also got  the paper below it. When I looked at the     paper I had taken, I discovered it was the work of the     girl in our class, I copied her answers to my paper.

The next day when I got back my paper, I was     to see an “F” on it. After class I went to the girl and said to her, “That math test was difficult and I     it. I guess we need to study more.” Her reply was, “Not me, I got every question right and got an ‘A’ ”.

The teacher knew about it. She didn’t blame me in front of the class and     me to keep my dignity (尊严). I made a     to myself never to cheat (作弊) again. I would remember to always be honest in the things I do.

1.A. think     B. cry    C. worry        D. sleep

2.A. partner    B. seat          C. classroom        D. teacher

3.A. after    B. since    C. until    D. before

4.A. front    B. middle    C. back    D. bottom

5. A. extra    B. new    C. clean    D. difficult

6.A. tallest   B. oldest    C. prettiest    D. smartest

7.A. shocked    B. angry    C. happy    D. excited

8.A. knew    B. made    C. failed    D. lost

9. A. told    B. reminded    C. allowed    D. advised

10.A. speech    B. promise    C. wish    D. joke

