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In schools across the world, you will find a kind of students who have ability to take part in classroom discussion. 1. They are simply talking with the same freeness and ease(自在)that most of us have when chatting with friends.

But for some other students, they’re quite afraid of speaking in front of people. Why can’t they do it? 2. But as soon as the teacher starts trying to have a discussion, and especially if she starts calling on student who aren’t raising their hands, all their happiness about “loving school” will fly away.

What is the problem? Why are they so nervous? The simplest answer is that they are scared of speaking or being regarded as a stupid one. Or, actually not even stupid. 3. They want to not only give the correct answer, but also say something outstanding and create every time they speak. Usually this kind of students were told that they were smart kids by teachers and family at a very young age. Of course, they felt good, but then they started to be stressed out as they became older. 4. As time goes by, that thought kept them silent during class.

5. First, write down something about what they want to say before raising their hands. It will make them feel safe. Second, make little goals for themselves: Today, I’m going to say one thing in class, no matter what. Then the next week, make two more. At last, things will go well. Until they can go through all the nervousness and discomfort.

A. I don’t understand why they could speak without fearing.

B. Because they expected to be that smart kid all the time.

C. Because they may feel embarrassed if their answers are wrong.

D. To solve this problem, they need to change in very small ways.

E. They are afraid that people won’t think that they are super smart.

F. All through each class, they are fine at first, taking notes, loving life and learning at school.

