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Time is something that we all are taking for granted these days. We spend hours watching TV or playing mobile games, thinking that this is very normal. However, I find it a waste of time. 1. Every second is valuable and we should rethink of the ways of spending our time.

Firstly, spend time in doing things that are really important. Spend time with your family and friends. Enjoy a nice hot meal and eat it slowly. 2. Little things like this may seem meaningless. But the truth is that the little things matter most in life.

Secondly, you have to know what is done cannot be undone. 3. Every day is a new adventure. You have to keep your eyes and ears open to the new opportunity. It may not be an opportunity like an immediate chance you can get, but it may be an opportunity for new experiences.

4. If you have only one chance to do something for someone, why not try your best to do it? It should not matter whether you will be rewarded or not. You will take pride in your work because you’ve done your best. Trust me, your efforts will be rewarded in the end.

Lastly, every moment you spend time in doing things is the time taken from your life.

5. That is not your life’s worth. The value of your time is measured by how you spend it and whom you choose to spend it with.

A. Make a proper time schedule.

B. Do not allow your mind to stay in the past.

C. Because it is hours of our lives that we can never get back.

D. Give yourself time to play and spend enough time in sleeping.

E. Don’t spend your time in working day and night just for money.

F. Then, do your best in every task as if the world will end tomorrow.

