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(重庆第一中学2017届九年级上学期期末)Thousands of runners took part in the 34th Beijing International Marathon. But many of them had to 1. face masks to protect themselves against pollution. Some runners gave 2. the race because of the pollution. British runner Chas Pope said that he was only able to run 10 kilometers of the race in a mask before he decided to stop. He also said that the race should have been stopped because all of the runners wanted to keep away 3. the bad air condition.

Gong Lihua is a Chinese runner 4. came third in the women’s race. She said the smog had caused some difficulties. "I felt I couldn’t breathe well when 5. in this kind of smog(雾霾)," she said. According to Beijing’s environment center, the air was seriously polluted on that day.

Besides the runners in the race, common people in Beijing are also 6. about the situation. Because there are 7. many factories built around Beijing that more and more pollutants(污染物) are produced. Also, there is too much traffic on the street, so air is polluted by the waste gas from the cars. 

As a result, Beijing government suggests people cutting off outdoor 8. and staying indoors more. If they are going to go out, remember to wear a face mask.

