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Taxi-sharing could have a good effect on car numbers.

Taxi-sharing services could reduce the number of cars on the road by 75%,a study has suggested.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study found that a number of 3,000 four-passenger taxis could take the place of the present number of 13,000 yellow taxis in New York City.But it would mean that people would have to travel with strangers.The study was based on data from 3 million taxi rides.

Most experts who are looking at our city future agree that there is a real need to do something about the heavy traffic.Studies suggest that around the world people waste 7 billion hours each year sitting in traffic.And the effects on the environment are also severe-with cars in traffic burning 3 billion more gallons of gas.

Prof Daniela Rus from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab writes,"Instead of taking one person at a time,drivers could transport two to four people at once,leading to fewer trips in less time to make the same amount of money."The team developed a math method that could arrange cars based on real-time requests."A system like this could allow drivers to work shorter time,while also creating less traffic,cleaner air and less stressful rush hour,"said Prof Rus.Such a system would be particularly suitable for smart cars controlled by computer systems, she added.

1.What's the shortcoming of sharing a taxi?

A. Passengers have to wait longer.

B. Passengers have to face strangers.

C. Passengers have to talk more.

D. Passengers have to pay more.

2.What is the main cause that leads to taxi-sharing?

A. The busy people.   B. The serious pollution.

C. The heavy traffic.   D. The gas shortage.

3.According to Prof Daniela Rus,who can also benefit from taxi-sharing?

A. The gas companies.   B. The math experts.

C. The car producers.   D. The taxi drivers.

4.The taxi-sharing trips had better to be carried out by     .

A. cars controlled by computer systems

B. cars driven by the latest robots

C. the Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab

D. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

