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One day a student was taking a walk with a professor. They were going along, when they saw a pair of old    , which they thought to belong to a poor man working in a nearby field.

The student turned to the professor, saying: Let’s   his shoes, and then we’ll place ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity(困惑)when he cannot find them.”

“My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never amuse ourselves at the    of the poor. But you’re rich, and may give yourself a much greater     by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we’ll hide ourselves and watch how the      affects him.

The student did so, and they both hid somewhere nearby. The poor man soon     his work, and came across the field to the      where he’d left his coat and shoes.  While putting on his      , he put his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something     , he bent down to see     it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and      were seen on his face. He     it up, turned it round, and looked it again and again. He then looked around      saw nobody. He put the money into his      , and went on to put on the other shoe, but his surprise was     on finding the other coin. He was so touched that he fell upon his      , and let out a loud    , in which he spoke of his sick wife and his     children and the importance of the money to them.

The student stood there, deeply affected, and said to the professor, “You’ve taught me a lesson I will never     . I’ll always try my best to help those in      .”

1.A.glasses B.socks C.shoes D.trousers

2.A.hide  B.throw C.buy D.borrow

3.A.excuse B.expense  C.amusement D.speed

4.A.pleasure  B.surprise C.amazement D.excitement

5.A.creation B.invention C.discovery  D.witness

6.A.started B.finished   C.found D.offered

7.A.way   B.house C.tree D.path

8.A.shoes B.cap C.coat  D.trousers

9.A.soft   B.hard  C.cold D.warm

10.A.if B.which C.that   D.what

11.A.wonder  B.happiness C.sadness D.fright

12.A.picked  B.broke C.sped   D.took

13.A.or B.and   C.but   D.when

14.A.bag B.shoe C.coat D.pocket

15.A.seen B.found C.seen   D.doubled

16.A.knees  B.head C.face D.legs

17.A.voice B.thanksgiving  C.word D.sound

18.A.lost   B.naughty C.hungry  D.lovely

19.A.remember B.understand C.know   D.forget

20.A.danger B.need  C.sick   D.help

