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Welcome to FrightCatalog.com!  We have the widest selection of outfits you’ll need to make your holiday one to remember. Regardless of age, men’s, women’s and kids’ outfits are always fun to wear. The outfits give you a chance to live a life outside of your own for one whole night.

At FrightCatalog.com, there are countless adult outfits and kids’ disguises(用作伪装的东西) for you to choose from. If you are looking for something frightening or scary, we have it. If you are looking for something cute or funny, we also have it. If you want to combine the two, go ahead, we have that, too. Our passion makes it impossible not to collect the best products, which is why we have made it our goal to collect so many outfits.

Before you buy, ask yourself a couple of questions. First, do you want a full-body outfit, or a multi-pieced one? Full-body ones can be more detailed, but a multi-pieced outfit will not get as hot inside, which can be either good or bad. Next, are you going with a group? There is nothing more impressive than seeing a group of people dressed in theme. Lastly, do you have a favorite movie? We have plenty of movie disguises for you to choose from, like Star Trek, Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz.

With a selection as large as ours, even your dog can enjoy this especially hallow night. You can turn your friend into Spider-Man, superman and countless other choices. If you already have your outfit picked out for yourself, search for a dog outfit that will match your own. For example, you could be the robber and your dog could be the policeman, or go for a Batman and Robin combination. Whatever you do, let your dog have some fun, too.

Our outfits let you have your October 31st experience, so you get the most out of this frighteningly entertaining night of tricks and treats. Take your time and find the one that catches your attention.

1. Where can the passage be taken from?

A. a story book  B. a maths book

C. the Internet  D. a scientific report

2. What does the word “outfit” mean in the passage?

A. A set of clothes to wear together for a special occasion.

B. Something to wear to frighten people at night.

C. Something to wear to protect oneself at night.

D. Something to wear to attract people’s attention at night.

3.Which festival are the outfits for?

A. ChristmasB. The Spring Festival

C. HalloweenD. Carnival

4.From the passage we learn that ______.

A. with our outfits you’re sure to be frightening or scary.

B. with our outfits even your dog can be a policeman and catch a thief.

C. with our outfits you can be a robber or go for a Batman.

D. with our outfits you can even dress up your dog the way you like.

5.The best title for the passage can be _____.

A. The outfits at FrightCatalog. com. 

B. A shop at FrightCatalog.com.

C. A festival at FrightCatalog. com.

D. Shopping for Outfits at FrightCatalog.com.

