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One day in early December, we woke up to discover a heavy fall of snow. “Mom, can we go _______after breakfast?” my eleven-year-old daughter Erica begged. I didn’t want to _______her request, so we headed towards the only _______in our town.

When we arrived, the hill was crowded with people. We found an open spot next to a thin man and his three-year-old son. The boy was already lying in the sled (雪橇), _______to be launched. “Come on, Daddy!” he called.

The man looked over at me. “Okay if we go _______?” he asked.

“Sure. Looks like your son is ready to go,” I said. With that, he gave the boy a huge _______, and off he flew! And the father ran after his son at full speed.

“He must be afraid that his son is going to _______somebody,” I said to Erica. “We’d better be _______, too.”

Then we also skied down the hill at a great speed. As we returned to the top, I noticed that the man was _______his son, who was still lying in the sled, back up to the summit (山顶). When we reached the top, the boy was ready to play again. Again, the father ________ him down the hill, and then pulled both the boy and the sled back up. The little boy was terribly spoilt by his father, I thought. ________he was small, the child could pull his own sled up the hill once in a while. This ________went on for more than an hour, but the man never ________, and he was very happy instead. Finally, I could_________it no longer. I called to him, “You have tremendous ________!”

The man smiled and said, “He has cerebral palsy (脑瘫). He can’t walk. ”

I was dumbstruck (惊呆的). It had all seemed so happy, so ________, that it never occurred to me that the child might be ________. Although I didn’t know the man’s name, I told the ________in my newspaper column. Either he or someone he knew must have recognized him, ________shortly afterward, I received this letter:

Dear Mrs. Silverman,

The energy I expended on the hill that day is ________compared to what my son does every day. To me, he is a true hero.

1.A. skiing   B. hiking   C. shopping   D. camping

2.A. answer   B. allow   C. refuse   D. accept

3.A. lake   B. hill   C. market   D. gym

4.A. waiting   B. advising   C. promising   D. warning

5.A. too   B. second   C. first   D. last

6.A. wave   B. ability   C. touch   D. push

7.A. look at   B. come across   C. run into   D. call on

8.A. careful   B. honest   C. natural   D. special

9.A. attracting   B. pulling   C. following   D. forbidding

10.A. chased   B. found   C. read   D. noticed

11.A. As if   B. Now that   C. Even though   D. Ever since

12.A. accident   B. signal   C. adventure   D. pattern

13.A. doubted   B. laughed   C. cried   D. tired

14.A. stand   B. interrupt   C. change   D. demand

15.A. value   B. energy   C. skills   D. attitude

16.A. fair   B. normal   C. frightening   D. unlucky

17.A. homeless   B. technical   C. disabled   D. creative

18.A. joke   B. news   C. meeting   D. story

19.A. if   B. unless   C. because   D. although

20.A. nothing   B. everything   C. something   D. all

