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Recently, a 17­year­old girl named Cassandra Hsiao becomes hot in the world. Living in California,the girl has received offer letters(录取通知书) from all eight Ivy League colleges(常春藤名校), including Harvard, Princeton and Yale.

Cassandra's father came from Taiwan while her mother was from Malaysia(马来西亚). She was born in Malaysia, and her family moved to the United States when she was five. The family suffered a lot in the new country. Luckily, Cassandra works hard all the time. Cassandra wrote their stories on their hard struggles(奋斗) in the college essay, which was really touching the world.

“Your personal identity(个人身份) and sense of belonging(归属感) are two of the most important problems that people from other countries must face. I wanted to share a piece of our home life, my relationship with my mother and both of our stories,” she told BBC News.

“I miss Malaysia. Growing up, I loved flying kites, going to markets and setting off firecrackers(烟火). I spent my childhood talking in a mixture of Chinese, Malaysia and English,” she said lovingly.

It's  difficult  to  deal  with  language  difficulties. Once her mother was laughed at by her teacher and classmates for using wrong English in an English paper. But a kind girl stood up and argued with the  classmates. She fought them back and help my mother correct her language mistakes.

“Later my mother asked me to teach her proper English starting with pronunciation. It has not been easy. I believe this article really shows values I hold close to my heart: Standing up for those without a voice, even when you think you haven't quite found your own yet,” said Cassandra.

1.Where does Cassandra Hsiao live now?


2.How many offer letters from Ivy League Colleges did Cassandra receive?


3.What did Cassandra love doing when she was young?






