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1.He changed so much that I didn’t _______(辨认) him at first sight.

2.As far as I am_______________(关心,关注), I agree with what you said.

3.I said hello to him on my way home but he ___________(忽视,不理睬) me and went on.

4.It is said that this film was ____________(以···根据) on a true story.

5.It is good for students to play more _________________(在户外)

6.No one knows what he has ____________(遭受) in the past ten years.

7.He was always told to keep ___________( 镇定的) when facing danger.

8.After he graduated from university, he ____________(定居) down in China.

9.He will come back to school as soon as he ________________(康复).

10.He ______________(不同意) with me on that problem.

11.He told me that I could go ________________(直接地) to Donghu Park by bus.

12.He is ____________(打包) his luggage in his room now because he wants to go to Beijing.

13.Do you know the _______________(官方的)language of Canada?

14.He was _________________(感激的) for what his friends had done for him.

15.He was ______________(不安的) because he didn’t hear from his friends for a long time.

