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The first ever trans-Atlantic(跨大西洋的)telephone call was made from New York City to London in 1927. In keeping with this spirit, we’d like to tell you some of our other communication records:

● Most spammed person(收到垃圾邮件最多的人)

Microsoft chairman William H.Gates III(the U.S.A.)receives up to four million spams(垃圾邮件)each day. However, with the help of all the people who are working in Microsoft and anti-spam technology, only around ten spares reach his inbox per day.

● Earliest e-mail

In l971,Ray Tomlinson,an engineer at the computer company, and Newman in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the U.S.A. sent the first e-mail.At first it was an experiment to see if he could get two computers to exchange a message.(It was Ray who decided to use the @ symbol to separate the other’s name from their location. The first e-mail message was “QWERTYUIOP”)

● Largest LAN(局域网)party

The largest LAN(Local Area Network)party was made up of 8531 unique computers and 9184 members in Sweden from 30 November to 2 December 2006.

● Most telephone books torsi(撕)in three minutes

Tina Shelton tore 21 telephone books at last, each with l028 numbered pages in a time of three minutes in California, the U.S.A. on 9 February 2007.

1.When was the first trans-Atlantic telephone call from New York to London made?

A. In2006.      B. In l927.

C. In l971.      D. In l928.

2.Who is the person that receives up to four million e-mail spams(垃圾邮件)each day?

A. William H. Gates Ⅲ.  B. Ray Tomlinson

C. Newman            D. Tina Shelton

3.Ray who decided to use ________to separate the other’s name from their location.

A. exchange a message       B. “QWERTYUIOP”

C. the @ symbol           D. an experiment

4.How long did the largest LAN party last?

A. Two months.     B. Three days.

C. Four days.     D. Two days.

5. How long did Tina Shelton tear all the telephone books'?

A. Three minutes.

B. Sixty-three minutes.

C. Two minutes.

D. Sixty-two minutes.

