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In the 1880s, Mark Twain managed his own publishing company. He also became interested in various investments(投资), especially a kind of typesetting machine. He lost almost $200,000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894. Also, his publishing company declared bankruptcy(破产)in April 1894. Thus, in January 1895, Mark Twain found himself publicly shamed by his inability to pay his debts.

Mark Twain finally recovered from his financial difficulties, through his continued writing and a successful lecture tour in 1895 and 1896. During this much-publicized tour, Twain lectured in such places as India, South Africa and Australia. By the time he returned, he had become an international hero. Twain enjoyed this attention, and his habits of smoking cigars or a pipe and wearing unusual white suits contributed to his showy image. He also made use of his position as a public figure to criticize the US foreign policy.

Although he was recovering from his financial problems by 1898, Mark Twain had begun to experience tragedy(悲剧)in his personal life. Suzy, his oldest daughter, died of meningitis (脑膜炎)in 1896, while her parents and sister Clara were abroad. In 1903, Mark Twain sold the beloved house in Hartford, which had become too closely associated with Suzy’s death. His wife, Olivia, who had developed a heart condition, died on June 5, 1904. His youngest daughter, Jean, died on Dec.24, 1909.

1.Which is not the reason why Mark Twain found himself in debt?

A. Because he devoted all his energy to his writings.

B. Because his publishing firm bankruptcy.

C. Because he lost almost $200,000 in investments in the machine between 1881 and 1894.

D. Because he lost a large quantity of money in various investments.

2.How did Mark Twain pay off his debts?

A. By borrowing money from the bank.

B. By investing in foreign countries.

C. By writing articles and a successful lecture tour.

D. By printing his own articles and selling them for money.

3.It can be inferred that Mark Twain ________.

A. hated giving lectures in the foreign countries   B. liked wearing black clothes

C. hated the US foreign policy at that time   D. hated smoking cigars

