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For sale

Antique door

Solid wood. Includes a coloured glass window near the top of the door. Excellent condition. $300.

Phone 9411-2987

Baby bed

Lovely bed, painted white. $310. Also travel bed and car seat. $500 for all, or will separate.

Phone 4097-5701

Exercise bike

Near new. Bought for $1200, selling for $600.

Call 0289-457-076


Dining table and chairs, two double beds, leather sofa and loveseat, chest of drawers, wardrobe, shelf. Come on and make an offer. Must sell this week.

13/453 Crown Rd Fairburn

Golf clubs

Set of eleven. Ladies left hand. Also golf bag, balls. $675.

Phone 9765-9975


Pentium 166, CD-ROM, 32 RAM, 56K modern, sound, speaker, large monitor, mouse, keyboard. $220.

Phone 9982-6720


Kowai Grand GS30, black, excellent action and sound, perfect condition, music books and stool. $1800.

Phone 9938-1044


Bony 53cm with surround, remote control, with instruction book. Excellent condition. $300.

Phone 2039-6946

1.Which is the cheapest thing for sale?

A. A baby bed.           B. A TV.            C. A piano.     D. A computer.

2.If you want to buy an exercise bike, you can call _______.

A. 0289-457-076      B. 2039-6946        C. 9982-6720        D. 9765-9975

3.If you have only $600, you can buy _______.

A. an antique door and a baby bed

B. a computer and a piano

C. a TV and an antique door

D. a piano and furniture

