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This story happened when I was 11 years old. I’ll never forget it.

I was at my friend Jenny’s   after school one day. We were doing homework when a friend of Jenny’s mum’s came over to   . I don’t remember her name or even what she looked like. I   remember her hands, her voice and the lesson she taught me.

I remember her hand reaching out for mine. What    hands she had, I thought; rich, dark skin going well with the orange nail polish (指甲油). Then I heard her saying, “Oh no, that is NOT    you shake hands. Let me show you.”

After that, I just remember her voice explaining the importance of a good    , having a sense of self, looking the other person in the eye… At that moment I felt respected.

I think of her every time I meet someone    . I’m so thankful for her little lesson.

I thank her for    the time to teach me something I didn’t know. I thank her for the    that she didn’t talk down to me because I was 11 or because I didn’t    something. I thank her for instilling (灌输) the idea that if someone doesn’t know something, don’t be afraid to share your knowledge.

1.A. kitchen         B. office           C. classroom          D. house

2.A. watch      B. help            C. visit               D. look

3.A. just         B. still            C. also              D. hardly

4.A. dirty          B. beautiful             C. large              D. useful

5.A. why          B. when            C. where            D. how

6.A. handshake       B. experience          C. education           D. impression

7.A. familiar        B. new           C. special            D. big

8.A. saving       B. checking         C. taking           D. changing

9.A. truth         B. news             C. result          D. fact

10.A. like        B. know              C. tell              D. want

