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Bao Bao was born in the United States,but she was always destined(注定的)to go to China.A giant panda named Mei Xiang gave birth to Bao Bao at Washington's National Zoo in 2013.She was the zoo's first surviving panda cub(幼崽)since 2005.Visitors went to see Bao Bao for the first time in early 2014.The zoo's first giant pandas arrived in 1972.They were a gift to the United States after President Richard Nixon's historic trip to China

The US agreement with China states that the cubs of pandas loaned to the National Zoo must go to China by age four.Zoo officials have a number of events planned for Bao Bao before she travels.For example,she will receive a cake made of ice.Officials say it will recognize the people who give money to the National Zoo to help research into animals.

People around the world will be able to watch Bao Bao's final days in Washington.There will be several Facebook Live events,including videos of zookeepers preparing Bao Bao for her trip and a program showing how to make panda-themed art projects.Bao Bao's final hours at the zoo will be shown on Facebook Live on February 21.

Some of her human friends are using the hashtag(标签)# ByeByeBaoBao to say goodbye.On Twitter,Lisa wrote:"I am going to miss Bao Bao so much!I have met so many people because of her."

Bao Bao will leave for China soon on a flight called the Fed Ex "Panda Express".If you are sad about seeing her go,there are three other pandas at the zoo.You can still see her parents,Mei Xiang and Tian Tian,and her brother,Bei Bei.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. Bao Bao will be sent back to China.

B. Bao Bao was the only surviving cub.

C. Bao Bao once visited China with Nixon.

D. Bao Bao was sent to the United Kingdom as a present.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "loaned" in Paragraph 2?

A. turned   B. lent

C. referred   D. apologised

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Bao Bao's living habits

B. Bao Bao will leave for China

C. Chinese and Americans' love for pandas

D. Officials are preparing for pandas coming home

