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Sarah was excited. She was going to be 13 in two weeks. Her mother said it was a big day for a teenager. She said that Sarah could have a tea party to celebrate.

Sarah had 20 people in her class, and her mother said she could invite all of them. So they bought beautiful cards and wrote down the guests' names, and the time, date and place of the party. Sarah's mother also wrote down her phone number, so that guests could reply. Then they posted the invitations.

When you receive an invitation, it is polite to reply as soon as possible. You can either write a reply or make a telephone call. It's especially important when it is a wedding or anniversary (纪念日) invitation.

Sarah received 19 replies. One boy did not reply. "He is very rude!" said Sarah's mother.

The party was held in Sarah's village. Her guests brought birthday presents as well as flowers for her parents. It is polite to bring a gift for your host, even if it is only small. It means you are thanking him or her for inviting you.

Sarah really enjoyed her party and wrote letters to all the guests, thanking them for their presents. It is polite to write back and thank the host for inviting you. Say how much you enjoyed the party, even if you didn't.

1.Sarah was going to have her ___________ birthday very soon.

A. second   B. thirteenth   C. nineteenth   D. twentieth

2.How did Sarah and her mother invite the guests?

A. They told them in class.   B. They called them one by one.

C. They wrote letters to the guests.   D. They sent cards to the guests.

3.It is impolite if you ____________.

A. reply to the invitation as quickly as you can

B. bring a small gift for the host

C. don’t really enjoy the party

D. don’t write or call back after receiving an invitation

4.What can we infer(推断) from the article?

A. Sarah wanted to celebrate her birthday because she was very old.

B. You only reply when it is a wedding or anniversary invitation.

C. Sarah’s mother didn’t like what the boy did because she thought him impolite.

D. All the people that Sarah invited came to her birthday party.

5.What can be a good title for this article?

A. Learn to be a good guest   B. Sarah and her 20 classmates

C. Important events in U. K.   D. How to invite other people

