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词语运用。(共6分, 每小题1分)

根据句子意思和音标、首字母提示填词, 每空一词。

1. —Dad, why do you have so much work and get back home so late every day?

—I’m sorry, dear. Um, because we live in a      [ˈbɪzi] society.

2.—The noise from the railway really      [drəʊv] me crazy.

—Oh, it’s your fault to live near there.

3.﹣Jim, is physics difficult to learn?

﹣Yes. No subject can be learned well  __________[wɪˈðaʊt] hard work.

4. —Linda, what does the instruction say?

—You are supposed to take these pills only t________ a day. More than that isn’t helpful.

5. —What’s the most important morning news on CCTV today?

—The Chinese g________ warned Japan not to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

6.By bringing soccer to the schools, President Xi hopes he can a________ his dream and China’s dream of playing for the World Cup, hosting(举办) the World Cup and finally, winning the World Cup.

