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Two monks of a great master were walking in the garden of the master’s house. They were asked to walk every day, from dawn to dusk. The walking was a kind of meditation(冥想). They cannot sit in the day--the legs need a little movement and the blood needs a little circulation(循环).

They both wanted to ask for the permission of the master to sit down, so they both decided, “Tomorrow. At the most, he will say no, but we are going to ask. And it doesn’t seem such an impolite act to sit in the garden.”

The next day they met in the garden. One was furious(狂怒的)---because the other was sitting---and he said, “What happened? I also asked, but he simply flatly refused and said no. And you are sitting! Are you not going against his orders?”

The other one said, “But he has said yes to me.”

“This looked very unjust,” the first said, “I will go and immediately inquire(询问)why he said no to me and yes to you.”

The other one said, “Wait a minute. Please tell me what you had asked.” The first said, “What I had asked? I had asked a simple thing. ‘Can I sit while meditating?’ He said, ‘No!’ and he looked very angry.”

The other started laughing and said, “Now I know what is the matter. I asked, ‘Can I meditate while sitting?’ He said, ‘Yes.’”

It all depends. Just a little difference and life is totally something else. Asking “Can I sit while meditating?” is just ugly. But asking “Can I meditate while sitting?” is perfectly okay. Good! At least you will be meditating.

Life is an empty canvas(油画布), and one has to be very artistic about it.

1.Why did the master ask the two monks to walk every day?

A. Because siting doesn’t seem a polite deed.

B. Because walking can do good to their health.

C. Because he wanted to give them punishment.

D. Because walking is the only way to meditate.

2.What kind of person is the second monk?

A. wise-minded.   B. Easy-going.

C. Hot-headed.   D. Warm-hearted.

3.How did the master probably react when the second monk asked him the question?

A. He was disappointed with it.   B. He sang high praise for it.

C. He nodded to him peacefully.   D. He drove him away furiously.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. Two heads are better than one.

B. It is easy to be wise after the event.

C. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

D. It’s not what you say but how you say it that matters.

