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Do you want to know any funny stories about Halloween? Let me tell you.

Long ago, people thought black cats were symbols (象征) of bad luck. In the Dark Ages (欧洲中世纪) witches were very common. And they had evil magic power. When they went out, they would take cats with them. So people believed that black cats meant bad luck. However, nowadays, in most parts of the UK, people think it’s actually good luck for a black cat to cross your path. Fortunately, through centuries, those poor little things probably don’t even care about it.

The tradition of the Jack o’ Lantern comes from a story about a boy called Jack. He made the devil (恶魔) angry, so he had to live forever in the hell (地狱). But he didn’t give up. He tried to use the turnip (萝卜) to make a lantern and guide himself out of the hell.

People believe that, on Halloween, the gap between our world and the ghost (鬼) world is thinnest, so the ghosts of the dead could mingle(混合) with the living. In order to fool them and make them believe we’re one of them, we put on all kinds of scary costumes. So the ghosts won’t take our souls away, and we can protect ourselves. But nowadays, “Trick or treat” is a modern custom and children like it very much. They will dress up in costumes and go from house to house to ask for treats like candies or toys. If they can’t get any treats, they might play a trick on the owners of the house.

1.People thought     long ago.

A. black cats meant good luck

B. black cats meant bad luck

C. witches were kind

D. witches weren’t common

2.Why did Jack have to live forever in the hell?

A. Because he liked crying.

B. Because he broke a lantern.

C. Because he liked the turnip.

D. Because he made the devil angry.

3.What does the underlined word “costumes” probably mean?

A. 想法   B. 服装   C. 咒语   D. 传说

4.      is especially liked by children.

A. Playing with white cats

B. Making a lantern

C. “Trick or treat”

D. Playing with black cats

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Funny Stories about Halloween

B. Christmas Day

C. Scary Stories about My School Day

D. Easter Day

