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How to express your anger

The best way to manage anger is by dealing with it directly—you must learn to express your anger in a healthy and helpful way.

Expressing yourself when you are very angry can be difficult. But it can also be very helpful.     1. They feel better about themselves. And most importantly, they are taking control of their own emotions. They are reacting to their anger in a good way.

2. First, stay calm when you are expressing yourself. It is also important to be clear and direct when you express yourself. You should also show respect to the other person.

It is also important not to blame other people. Blaming other people can lead to arguing and fighting. Instead, people should express their anger by saying what they are feeling. For example, if a person is angry, she should use “I statements”. These are simple sentences that state how a person feels. For example, you should not say “You never help me clean the home”! 3. When people are expressing their anger, they should remember to think about the other people who are involved in the situation. 4. Often, when people look at a situation in this way, they can admit that they are not always being fair. People can admit that their anger is not being helpful. People cannot always control what other people do or what happens around them. But people can control the way they react!

Do not let your anger build up inside of you! As a person once said:“It is not good for me to hold on to anger. 5. ”

A. You can talk to a doctor.

B. I am the only one that it is really hurting.

C. Words can be extremely damaging to a relationship.

D. Try to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view.

E. When people can express their needs, they feel like they are solving the problem.

F. Instead, you could say “I am angry that you did not offer to help me clean the home”.

G. But there are things people should remember when they express their needs when angry.

