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A woman cooked pancakes for her family and an extra one for a hungry passer-by. She always put the extra one on the windowsill.Every day,a hunchback(驼背者) came and took it away .Instead of expressing his thanks ,he said ,“The evil you do remains with you ;the good you do comes back to you !”“Not a word of thanks .Every day he says these words !What does he mean ? ”she said .

Day by day ,the woman became annoyed .Therefore ,one day she added poison(毒药) to the pancake she prepared for him .She was about to put it on the windowsill when she shook with fear .“What am I doing ?”she said .She threw it into the fire and made another one .As usual ,the hunchback came ,picked up the pancake and said , “The evil you do remains with you ;the good you do comes back to you !”

That evening ,there was a knock on the door .To her surprise ,it was her son who had been to a faraway place to make money .He looked very weak .He said ,“Mom, it's a wonder l'm here. While I was but a mile away, I was so hungry that I fell down. Iwould have died, but just then an old hunch-back passed by. I begged of him for a small part of his food,and he was kind enough to give me a whole bread,After hearing these words ,the woman remembered the pancake with poison .if she had not burnt it in the fire ,it would have been eaten by her son !

She suddenly realized the meaning of the hunchback’s words .Do good and don't stop doing good ,even if it is not appreciated(感激) at that time .

1.Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word “annoyed ”?

A. Tired   B. Angry   C. Nervous   D. Scared

2.According to the passage ,we can learn that _________.

A. the hunchback knew the woman’s son

B. the hunchback wasn't a helpful person

C. the woman and the hunchback got on well

D. the woman thought the hunchback was impolite first

3.which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the passage ?

<1>The hunchback gave his pancake to the woman ‘s son

<2>the woman made a poisoned pancake one morning

<3>the woman understood the meaning of the hunchback’s words

A. <1> <2> <3>   B. <2> <3> <1>   C. <2> <1> <3>   D. <3> <2> <1>

4.what does the writer want to tell us ?

A. Be kind to hunchback   B. Never stop doing good things

C. Be thankful to our parents   D. Don't expect too much from others

