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I took an airplane to Beijing in February, on an Air Canada Boeing 777. ______ all were seated, I used my computer for a while. Ahead of me to my right, a kid was ______.

I went up to a Chinese woman. She had in her arms a kid that ______ crying. I told the mother that the kid needed to be walked and then she would ______ and sleep. I knew this because i am a father of four ______ children. The woman, who was from North York, said she was too tired as she had been ______ the whole night before. I ______ to walk the kid so she could get some sleep.

As I took the kid in my arms, I ______ her for the kid’s name and age. I then started ______ walking up to the front of the economy section. The kid immediately fell to sleep. When I got back to the mother’s ______, I found her fast asleep. I kept walking for over six hours and walked slowly ______. Since it was a 13-hour flight, I walked halfway to China-______ a kid.

Women on board would ______ me during my long walk, wanting to see the kid. One woman ask me some questions like “How many ______ do you have?” “Four,” I said. She looked ______ at my wrinkled (有皱纹的) face and white hair (I was almost   60  ) and said, “Well, I hope this is your ______ one.” She thought I was Mary’s ______. I just ______ and walked on.

When I was back to the mother, the mother ______. I gave Mary back to her, who ______ sound asleep.

1.A. Before B. After C. Though D. Unless

2.A. singing B. talking C. sleeping D. crying

3.A. kept B. started C. practised D. stopped

4.A. break down B. go ahead C. settle down D. set off

5.A. grown B. energetic C. curious D. slim

6.A. down B. back C. away D. up

7.A. deserved B. offered C. pretended D. agreed

8.A. requested B. commanded C. asked D. consulted

9.A. slowly B. quickly C. calmly D. strongly

10.A. home B. seat C. calmly D. strongly

11.A. upside down B. inside out C. day and night D. up and down

12.A. watching B. carrying C. tricking D. seeking

13.A. spot B. remind C. stop D. award

14.A. customers B. passengers C. members D. children

15.A. obviously B. confidently C. closely D. firmly

16.A. last B. active C. naughty D. troubled

17.A. mother B. teacher C. father D. nurse

18.A. refused B. smiled C. apologized D. sighed

19.A. woke B. left C. wandered D. shouted

20.A. turned B. fell C. remained D. looked

