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It’s not often a tomato is described as so sweet ‘whenever people see it they just want to hug it’—but this was no ordinary piece of fruit.

The heart-shaped tomato was grown by the retired worker, Rod Matless, who said he was surprised when he noticed it in his field. Mr Matless, 69, who had a heart attack a few years ago, was so taken aback by the fruit that he decided to sell it and donate(捐赠) the money to the British Heart Foundation. The 64g tomato was bought for £16 on eBay by a woman from Wales—who said she planned to give it to someone special.

Mr Matless, of Wymondham, near Norwich, said: ‘I spent a couple of days thinking about what to do with it and I wasn’t really sure, but this seems like a good use. I hope it will do someone somewhere a bit of good’. He added: ‘It’s very sweet—whenever people see it they just want to hug it.’ But with the tomato’s freshness a key factor(因素), Mr Matless was up against the clock to send it to its new owner before it went bad. He said: ‘I didn’t want to send someone something horrible(特别糟糕的). I probably could have raised a bit more money with more time but I was worried about it.’

‘It will certainly make a nice present for a loved one. I hope that they like it and I’m glad I got to help. It’s all been very good fun and I’ve really enjoyed growing this very special tomato.’

1.We can learn from the text that the tomato grown by Rod Matless ________.

A.is very big      B.is very sweet

C.is very special   D.is good for health

2.The underlined part “taken aback by” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A.happy about     B.nervous about

C.surprised by     D.frightened by

3.According to the text, the main problem for Rod Matless was ______.

A.how to advertise the tomato

B.how to keep the tomato fresh

C.how to get a good price for the tomato

D.how to find a good owner for the tomato

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To advise people to eat tomatoes.

B.To introduce a heart-shaped tomato.

C.To encourage people to buy Rod Matless’s tomato.

D.To describe a kind-hearted person—Rod Matless.

