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About two weeks before Christmas of 2014 my wife bought me an early Christmas present. It was a beautiful three-month-old cockatiel(鸡尾鹦鹉).

I had always ______ for a bird but as my wife had objected to the very idea of getting one, I was really _______ when she brought her home. I immediately fell in love with her and named her Bleng.

From the beginning I was ______ by the owner of the pet shop not to put a _______ in her cage, as she would think that the reflection was another bird. This could cause Bleng to become   ______as the reflection wouldn’t react to her.

____ , my little Bleng _______reflective surfaces around the house all on her own: in the kitchen, against the refrigerator, etc, She spread her wings out slightly every time she _____ her reflection and she spent a lot of time around these ______.

But it wasn’t until last July when we bought a mirrored bedside table for my mother-in-law’s room, that things really became _____ .

Bleng _____ spending time around this bedside table and around her new “______ “!

One day, my mother-in-law went to her room and noticed a real ______ . Seeds were scattered all around the bedside table. She ______ Bleng running to her cage, which was in another room, and _____ carrying seeds to the bedside table and setting them down on the   ____. Bleng had noticed that her reflection _____ went to the seed bowl to eat, _____ she brought the seeds over to her “friend!”

We had always known that Bleng was a _____ creature, but it was at that moment that we all learned just how ______ her heart really was!

1.A. prepared   B. longed   C. waited   D. looked

2.A. frightened   B. relaxed   C. worried   D. surprised

3.A. advised   B. allowed   C. invited   D. urged

4.A. bowl   B. bird   C. mirror   D. seed

5.A. satisfied   B. proud   C. afraid   D. disappointed

6.A. Besides   B. However   C. Instead   D. Therefore

7.A. spotted   B. collected   C. checked   D. made

8.A. ignored   B. remembered   C. saw   D. doubted

9.A. animals   B. areas   C. rooms   D. people

10.A. amusing   B. confusing   C. complex   D. annoying

11.A. avoided   B. regretted   C. missed   D. enjoyed

12.A. master   B. friend   C. cage   D. tool

13.A. mess   B. trend   C. chance   D. crowd

14.A. imagined   B. stopped   C. observed   D. kept

15.A. escaping   B. hiding   C. considering   D. returning

16.A. ground   B. bed   C. mirror   D. paper

17.A. already   B. also   C. never   D. still

18.A. or   B. so   C. for   D. but

19.A. huge   B. dangerous   C. poor   D. loving

20.A. cold   B. heavy   C. big   D. weak

