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It’s nothing new to learn on the Internet, but since 2012, a new kind of online education has become more and more popular. Do you know what it is? It is called MOOC(大规模在线公开课程).

In 2012, two Stanford professors, Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, decided to offer their lessons for free online. To their surprise, more than 160,000 students in 190 countries took their classes. This led them to build Udacity.com, the first website for MOOC. In less than a year, other MOOC websites, such as Coursera.com and EdX.com, were also set up.

MOOC is different from usual online learning. Professors have been trying to keep it similar to a real class. You should sign up(报名)to take the class. You can communicate with other students in many different ways. You have to answer some questions when you watch videos, and you will have some homework to do after class. If you take the class on time, do all the homework, and pass the final test, you can get a certificate in the end.

Some people believe MOOC will change the traditional education style. In the future, anyone at any age in any place can take classes for free. These classes are all from the best teachers of the best universities in the world!

1.MOOC started in the year_____________.

A. 2009   B. 2010   C. 2011   D. 2012

2.____________ is the first website for MOOC.

A. Udacity.com   B. Learning.com

C. Coursera.com   D. EdX.com

3.From the passage, we can know that _____________.

A. MOOC is like a real class

B. people needn’t do homework when taking MOOC

C. people can’t communicate with other students when taking MOOC

D. people should pay for MOOC

4.The underlined word “certificate” probably means “____________” in Chinese.

A. 奖章   B. 职位   C. 通知   D. 证书

5.The passage is probably from a(n)______________.

A. notice board   B. storybook   C. education magazine   D. sci-fi

