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Inventions named after people

Many new things are invented each year. Interestingly, some inventions are named after the people who invented them, making the inventions and inventors easier to be remembered.

The bowler hat is named after London hat-makers Thomas and William Bowler. The brothers received an order from Edward Coke, the younger brother of the 2nd Earl of Leicester. They were asked to design a hat for Coke’s gamekeepers to protect their heads from branches while on horseback. Later, the stylish hat became popular in Europe and the United States.

Another invention that is named after its inventor is Braille, a writing system used by blind people. French educator Louis Braille developed a new system of reading and writing after learning the cryptography of French Captain Charles Barbier during the war. The captain had come up with a code of dots on paper that allowed soldiers to communicate in the dark.

The diesel engine is also named after its inventor----German engineer Rudolf Diesel. After a few dangerous tests, he invented a new and more efficient engine in 1892 and the engine was later called the diesel engine. The engines were widely used in buses, trucks, trains and ships, and Rudolf Diesel became a millionaire.

1.How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two       B. Three     C. Four        D. Five

2.Who invented the bowler hat?

A. Edward Coke.

B. Thomas and William Bowler.    

C. The 2nd Earl of Leicester.

D. Edward Coke’s gamekeepers.

3.What does the underlined word ‘their’ refer to?

A. Edward Coke’s. 

B. The 2nd Earl of Leicester’s.

C. Edward Coke’s gamekeepers’.

D. Thomas and William Bowler’s.

4. How did Louis Braille invent Braille?

A. He studied blind people in the university and invented a writing system for them.             

B. He came up with Braille when he communicated with soldiers in the dark.

C. He invented Braille based on the cryptography of a French captain.      

D. He was asked to invent a writing system for blind people by Charles Barbier.

5.According to the passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Rudolf Diesel was a German engineer.

B. Rudolf Diesel carried out some dangerous tests before he invented the diesel engine.

C. The diesel engine was quite efficient.      

D. Diesel engines were mainly used on airplanes and rockets.

6.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Several inventions that are named after their inventors.

B. Several inventions that were invented by blind inventors.

C. Several inventions that made their inventors rich.

D. Several inventions that were invented by teen inventors.

