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5000 B.C.— People began to farm along the Nile River in Egypt.

2950B.C. — Egypt was first united under MENES.

2600B.C. — The first pyramid of Egypt, the Pyramid of Djoser, was built.

2500 B.C. — The great Pyramid of Gina was built.

2000 B.C. — The Bantu Peoples began to migrate into central and southern Africa.

1279 B.C. — Rameses II became pharaoh(法老)of Egypt.

1070 B.C. — The kingdom of Kush gained its independence from Egypt.

814 B.C. — The city of Carthage was established by the Phoenician Empire.

715 B.C. — Kush conquered Egypt and ruled it until 662 B.C.

650 B.C. — Cathage became independent. It grew into one of the most powerful cities on the Mediterranean Sea.

590 B.C. — The capital of Kush was moved from Napata to Meroe.

525 B.C. — The Persians conquered Egypt.

332 B.C. — The Greeks led by Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.

264 B.C. — Carthage fought in the First Punic War.

146 B.C. —Cathage was defeated by Rome. Roman forces destroyed the city.

30 B.C. — Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh of Egypt, died. Egypt became part of Rome.

1.When did Cathage become independent?

A. 715 B. C.   B. 590 B.C.

C. 650 B.C.   D. 1070 B.C.

2.According to the text, Kush ruled Egypt for ________ years.

A. 53.   B. 30.

C. 50.   D. 63.

3.What does the text mainly tell us?

A. The whole history of Egypt.   B. Cities and peoples in Egypt.

C. The historical wars in Africa.   D. Timeline of Ancient Africa.

