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Things have been kind of tough lately for Shannon Baker and her little family. They have each other’s parents and young daughter and for that they are     . But she and her husband are both currently      . And their car is in great need of      . And then there is the matter of their second child, who is      soon. So things are a little tense for the Baker family these days.

When Shannon and her daughter were walking through a store    lot recently, Shannon picked up an envelop from the ground that      $4,000 in cash. There were a    of different interpretations(理解) that could be considered. Was this a kind of good      ? Could it be an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from God? Shannon didn’t know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelope     to someone else.

Oh, and one other thing she knew: Her young daughter was      . “My kid was standing right there    I found it,” Shannon told WLS-TV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be      . And for me that was enough.”

Never mind the bills that were      , or the car that needed to be fixed, or the baby that would come soon. And forget that when she    the money over to the police she was told that there was actually nothing illegal if she      it.

The police were able to return the money to the person who      it: an old woman. And one can imagine the      and relief she felt when the police handed the lost envelop back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears,     me,” Shannon said. “She gave me a hug and an envelope with a small     in it. But the amount, large or small, wasn’t    . What was important was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.”

1.A. controlled  B. upset     C. sensitive  D. grateful

2.A. unemployed  B. appreciated   C. disappointed D. removed

3.A. repair      B. protection   C. cash   D. sale

4.A. sick   B. serious       C. due   D. dull

5.A. gathering      B. parking        C. cleaning  D. begging

6.A. included       B. contained       C. charged  D. paid

7.A. number       B. deal         C. plenty   D. flood

8.A. expense   B. prize   C. hope   D. luck

9.A. pointed   B. owned   C. belonged  D. possessed

10.A. demanding    B. watching       C. laughing    D. affecting

11.A. before   B. though   C. because  D. when

12.A. honest   B. loyal   C. ripe   D. humorous

13.A. piling up  B. giving away  C. showing off   D. passing by

14.A. watched   B. turned   C. got   D. collected

15.A. kept   B. made   C. checked  D. promoted

16.A. sent   B. disliked   C. lost   D. generated

17.A. respect   B. regret   C. tension  D. joy

18.A. comforting  B. congratulating  C. offending  D. thanking

19.A. amount   B. present   C. envelope  D. choice

20.A. enough   B. acceptable   C. important   D. matter

