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Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Optimists always see the good side of things. Pessimists always expect the worst and see the bad side. The optimist says, “The glass is half-full.” The pessimist says, “The glass is half-empty.”

Dr. Seligman is a scientist whose studies show that optimists are ________ than pessimists. Pessimists suffer from depression (抑郁症) more often than optimists do. Dr. Seligman studied a group of men who had heart attacks. After eight years, most of the optimistic men were still alive, while most of the pessimistic men had ________ another heart attack.

Dr. Seligman also says that optimists are more successful. Sportsmen, politicians, and businessmen who have optimistic views of the world tend to (趋于) succeed.

Here’s the good news: Everyone can learn to be more optimistic. The main way is to ________  the way you talk to yourself. When something bad happens to pessimists, they believe it will affect their whole lives. When something bad happens to optimists, they see it as just one event. They also believe that they can solve the problem, so it won’t happen again.

Here’s a(n) ________: An optimist and a pessimist take a math test. They are both good students, but both of them fail this test. The pessimist thinks, “I’m probably going to fail every test. I’m never going to learn math. It’s too difficult for me. ________ will like me because I’m a terrible student.” The optimist thinks, “It was only one test. I’m a smart student. I know I can do much better next time.”

Be kinder to yourself. Be more ________. Always see the glass as half-full!

1.A. happier   B. healthier   C. smarter   D. younger

2.A. got rid of   B. worried about   C. died from   D. waited for

3.A. change   B. lose   C. choose   D. find

4.A. saying   B. subject   C. experiment   D. example

5.A. Everybody   B. Anybody   C. Somebody   D. Nobody

6.A. thankful   B. useful   C. hopeful   D. careful

