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How do you write a story? How is writing a short story different than writing a novel? These are difficult questions to answer.1.But if you want to write a short story,here are several tips to help you get started.

Real writers read. As Stephen King said, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have time to write.” 2.Even if you've read hundreds of stories, studying one or two closely will help improve your understanding of the short story form.

Some guides suggest focusing on writing an attractive first paragraph first.3. Instead, just write. Don't worry about what comes out. It's not important. You just need to get your short story started.

4.After you write your first draft, you need to start cutting, rewriting and editing your short story. This is the hardest part of writing a short story. However, don't give up. You're almost there.

Before you submit (提交)your short story, make sure you have read it aloud several times to find any errors. Then skim some literary(文学的)magazines and read their guidelines to know if your short story will be a good fit. 5.It will be hard to let go of your short story, but you can not get it published if you don't submit it.

A. All good writing is rewriting

B. Send your work out into the world

C. Get some suggestions from other writers

D. There are so many types of short stories and novels

E. If you want to be a writer, you should consider writing short stories

F. If you've never read a short story, you're going to have a difficult time writing one

G. While it's important, it puts a lot of pressure on you when you write your short story.

