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To: The Manager of Mezzo Mash Restaurant

Dear Sir,

Last Tuesday evening I went with two friends to your restaurant for my 18th  birthday. I ’d booked the table for eight o’ clock and we arrived about ten minutes late, but that was not a problem.The waiter, who was very polite, showed us to our table and we studied the menu. I ordered a fish pie and my friends ordered some salads. However, after about fifteen minutes, the waiter told us that there was no more fish pie. He apologized and suggested ordering something else. I looked at the menu again and decided to have the same as my friends-a salad.

When the food came, it was very good. After we finished, we decided to order some desserts(餐后甜点). The waiter said that, unluckily, it was too late. There wasn’t enough time for us to order desserts. He said he was very sorry but our table was booked by another group at nine thirty and we would have to leave.

We paid the bill and left feeling very unhappy. It ruined my birthday. Nobody told us when we arrived that there was a time limit (限制). It was very unsatisfactory and I doubt that We’ll go to your restaurant again.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Cary

1.Why did Martin and his friends fail to have any dessert?

A. Someone had booked their table.

B. They had to be home by 9:30.

C. It was too expensive.

D. There was none left.

2.What is Martin Cary trying to do in the letter?

A. Cancel a booking.

B. Offer a suggestion.

C. Ask for information.

D. Express dissatisfaction.

3.What does Martin think about their experience?

A. The food took too long to arrive.

B. They got to the restaurant too late.

C. They won' t visit the restaurant again.

D. There was not much choice on the menu.

