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Aquarium (养鱼缸)

An aquarium can be a small container for a few goldfish. 1.      Aquariums give people the chance to observe an ecosystem (生态系统) very different from their own.

People who like fish often keep aquariums as a hobby. Popular fish for home aquariums include goldfish, guppies and bettas. Home aquariums can be as small as a bowl or as large as an entire wall. For their fish to survive, owners must make sure that their aquariums stay clean and that the water is the right temperature. They must not put too many fish or natural enemies together. 2.

Found in many large cities, public aquariums are buildings with large tanks of fish and other water animals. Different tanks contain fish, and salty waters. People come to see and learn about fish and their habitats. 3.        . Marine biologists (海洋生物学家) help the animals to get well and then return them to the wild.

People have kept fish in man-made habitats for at least 4,500 years. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Romans kept fish in aquariums. 4.         Man-made ponds filled with fish later became popular in European gardens. The trend spread to North America in 1800s. In 1853 the zoological Society of London, England, opened the first public aquarium. 5.      More people also began keeping fish in small aquariums at home.

A. The Chinese kept goldfish in ponds and bowls.

B. Public aquariums soon opened in many other major cities.

C. They also must provide the right type and amount of food.

D. Public aquariums often care for sick or injured water animals, too.

E. There are some open-air aquariums in places where the climate(气候) permits.

F. It can also be a building that displays a large collection of water animals.

G. Fish have been raised as food in pools and ponds for thousands of years.

