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Mary loved her son Robert very much, but she worried about him a lot. He was always losing things, and he didn’t take care of his toys or clothes. She wanted him to be more careful. She wanted him to be responsible.

One morning, Mary saw Robert beating a broken drum with a knife. “Stop!” Mary shouted. “Where are your drumsticks(鼓槌)?” “I …I …I don’t know.” said Robert.

“You must remember what I have told you, Robert,” said Mary. “If you lose anything again, I will give away all your toys to the children who know how to take care of them.”

“But, Mama,” said Robert. “ 73 “If I don’t have any toys, how can I learn to take care of them?” Mary had to turn away so that Robert would not see her smile. “I’ve got another way to teach you to be careful,” she told him. “I want you to wash your clothes for two months. If you can do this, it means you are responsible, and it means people can trust you.”

The next week Robert began his work. At first, he disliked it very much. But after a while he changed his mind. He wanted to show his mother he was responsible.  74 He not only washed his clothes, but also kept his toys in a box where he could find him. He was careful with everything.

Two months later, Christmas came. Robert was so happy to get his presents: a new coat, a video game and a new drum. There was also a note. “For Robert, who is very responsible.” He felt so proud.



Why did Robert beat his drum with a knife?


What present did Robert get at Christmas?







