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Mr Jones, the owner of a farm, was one day driven out of the farm by all the animals he kept.The animals were excited to be masters of their farm.Animals made seven rules of their own and Snowball painted them on the wall.

1.Whatever walks on two legs is an enemy;

2.Whatever walks on four legs, or has wings, is a friend;

3.No animal shall wear clothes;

4.No animal shall sleep in bed;

5.No animal shall drink alcohol(酒);

6.No animal shall kill any other animal;

7.All animals are equal.

They were nicely written, except that "friend" was written "friend".Snowball read them out, and all the animals agreed.

"Now, let's go to the field.Let's get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do."

But at this moment the three cows, who had seemed uneasy for some time, shouted because they hadn't been milked for 24 hours.Then the pigs began to help milk the cows successfully.Soon there were five buckets (桶) of creamy milk at which many animals

looked with great interest."What's going to happen to all the milk?" asked one animal."Jones used to mix some of it in our food," said one of the hens."Never mind the milk," cried Napoleon, standing in front of the buckets, "the harvest is more important.Mr Snowball will lead the way, and I'll follow in a few minutes."

So the animals ran down to the field to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening, it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.

1.When does the story happen?

A. In spring.

B. In summer.

C. In autumn.

D. In winter.

2.Who is considered as the animals' enemy?

A. The human being.

B. Snowball.

C. The cows.

D. Napoleon.

3.In which order did the story happen?

a.Animals made seven rules.

b.They went to the field to have a harvest.

c.The pigs milked three cows.

d.Mr Jones was driven away.

e.The milk in the buckets was gone.

A. c—b—e—d—a

B. d—a—c—b—e

C. a—b—d—e—c

D. b—e—a—c—d

