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阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A few years ago the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved ________ in the morning, so I was really ________ when I found out the house they had bought for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every ________ I could go for a run before I went to work.

________ a lot of people had told me to be careful of robbers(抢劫者) in the park, I didn’t usually take anything with me. How could they ________ me if I didn’t have anything? But this one morning my wife asked me to ________ some bread on the way home so I put a $10 note in my back pocket.

While I was running through the ________, another runner nearly knocked me over. He apologized and ________ running. I thought it was a little ________ so I checked my ________ and found that the money was missing. I ________ started to run after him. I ________ caught up and caught him by the arm. I started ________ and demanding(要求) that he give me the $10. I’m not ________ a hot-headed person but I really lost my temper(脾气) that day. This seemed to ________ him and he quickly put his hand into his pocket and ________ me the money. Then he ran away as ________ as he could.

I bought the ________ and went home. As soon as I got there I began to tell my wife my ________ “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I started. She immediately ________ me, “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

1.A. studying   B. working     C. running      D. reading

2.A. proud     B. nervous     C. sad          D. happy

3.A. morning   B. afternoon  C. evening      D. night

4.A. Unless    B. Though      C. If          D. Because

5.A. find      B. believe   C. rob         D. cheat

6.A. borrow    B. taste      C. eat          D. buy

7.A. school    B. park       C. office      D. house

8.A. continued  B. practiced  C. stopped     D. started

9.A. different  B. strange   C. dangerous   D. harmful

10.A. hat     B. purse      C. pocket      D. bag

11.A. suddenly B. immediately  C. generally   D. calmly

12.A. finally  B. nearly      C. possibly   D. hopefully

13.A. smelling  B. shouting   C. explaining   D. asking

14.A. simply  B. secretly   C. usually     D. especially

15.A. anger    B. surprise    C. hurt      D. frighten

16.A. paid   B. lent       C. showed      D. gave

17.A. fast   B. early      C. far         D. safely

18.A. clothes  B. milk      C. bread      D. newspaper

19.A. meeting   B. story      C. job         D. holiday

20.A. disturbed B. trusted     C. understood   D. accepted

