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With six NBA Championships and many more achievements, Michael Jordan is the greatest player the world of basketball has ever seen.

Jordan's dream of becoming a basketball player began in his childhood. When he was 9 years old, Jordan finished watching a basketball game in the Munich(慕尼黑)Olympics on TV,and said to his mother:“One day, I will take part in the Olympic Games and win the gold medal for the US!”

His father once told him that practice, confidence and determination(决心)were the things that would make a real basketball player. Since then, Jordan practiced very hard and became more and more confident and determined.

At the University of North Carolina, Jordan was a familiar(熟悉的)name. He made the game- winning shot(投篮)in the 1982 NCAA Championship. He saw it as the turning point in his basketball career(生涯).

In 1984, Jordan led the US Men's Basketball Team to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games and made his childhood dream come true.

Jordan entered the NBA in 1984. During his 15 years there, he won every possible award.  Jordan was also the greatest clutch player ever. On the basketball court, "chutch” means making the last shot when time is almost up. The shooter needs to have great confidence to make the last shot and take away the win. Jordan had 28 clutches in his career一the most in NBA history.

Being confident is what makes Jordan the most famous basketball star ever. In his Hall of Fame Speech(名人堂演讲)in 2009, Jordan announced confidently to the world: " There will never be another Michael Jordan.”

1.Jordan's father advised him to do the following EXCEPT      .

A.  play in the national team

B.  practice hard

C.  always be confident in himself

D.  have strong determination

2.Which of the following did Jordan regard as a turning point in his career?

A.  Watching the Munich Olympics on TV.

B.  His contribution to the 1982 NCAA Championship.

C.  Playing in the 1984 Olympic Games.

D.  Joining the NBA team.

3. The underlined word "clutch" in Paragraph 6 means “     ”.

A.  瞄准      B.  放弃         C.  绝杀       D.  坚持

4.The story is mainly about      .

A.  how to become a famous basketball player

B.  the importance of confidence in success

C.  factors that affect people's career

D. Jordan's basketball career development

