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Reader’s Travel Photography Competition

This month’s images include some original and brilliant shots. The overall 2018 winner will receive a $200 holiday ticket and go on a 16-night wildlife holiday.

Doug Scott

Guess what the young monk is doing! He is playing with his smart phone in secret.

PAUL GOLDSTEIN JUDGE: Smart phones have taken over the world. Even without the photographer’s caption there is composition, humor and fun here. To the outsider, he could be having a short sleep, or lost in meditation. My eyes stop on this for a while and the admission of smart phones cannot be changed in any corner of the world.

Eloise Campbell

I was able to follow this young eagle hunter and his eagle in the mountains of Mongolia and watched how it was trained. Though the bond between them was new, to me it seemed unbreakable—they were coexisting peacefully with each other.

Adam Cunningham White

This shot grasps the moment when we had to change direction with this group of around 300 migrating reindeer in northern Sweden. They can become confused very quickly, making this moment risky. They could run in different directions immediately, making it difficult to get them back into a group.

Nick Dale

This is a close-up of the left eye of a zebra.

PAUL GOLDSTEIN JUDGE: Perfect, I have seen these before but rarely done with this competence. The depth of field is exactly right. The bold cropping and blue to the left make people interested. Zebras are easy to photograph but not often this well.

1.What does Doug Scott probably want to tell us with his photo?

A. The monk’s life is full of pleasure.

B. What we see is not necessarily true.

C. The monk’s mental world should be noticed.

D. Smart phones are involved in people’s life worldwide.

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The winner of the photography competition will receive $200 as an award.

B. A harmonious atmosphere is reflected in Eloise Campbell’s photo.

C. The picture of migrating reindeer is taken in southern Sweden.

D. Nick Dale’s courage to approach wild animals impresses the judge most.

