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Dine with General St. Amour

General St. Amour was famous for his bravery, but he was born into the family of a poor peasant. Even when he became a general, he never ________1.________ his humble origin(卑微的出身).

While his ________2.________ was stationed in his hometown, he invited some of his principal officers to a dinner party at a ________3.________. They had just sat down at the table when his father ________4.________ to drop in on him. When the guard ________5.________ it to the general, he ________6.________ rose and told his guests that his father had ________7.________.

He said that he knew the ________8.________ he owed to them, but at the same time he hoped they would  excuse him ________9.________ he withdrew (退出) because he would like to ________10.________ with his father in another room.

Hearing what he said, all the guests present ________11.________ that the father should be introduced to them, 12.________ that they would be very pleased to see one who was so closely ________13.________ to him. But to their________14.________, General St. Amour replied, “Ah, no, gentleman. You are ________15.________ wrong. I mean my father would find himself so ________16.________ in company with so many people who are unsuited to his rank. ________17. , it would deprive(剥夺) us both of the only pleasure of the ________18.________ ——the natural intercourse(交流) of a parent and his son.”

He then ________19.________ himself from the table and spent the evening dining with his father.

The moral of the story is: you can’t give people ________20.________, but you can provide the kind of understanding that makes people keep their pride.

21.               A.forgot          B.knew          C.minded   D.cared

22.               A.family          B.army           C.company  D.organization

23.               A.park           B.school         C.restaurant D.cinema

24.               A.agreed         B.promised       C.decided   D.happened

25.               A.explained       B.whispered      C.reported  D.shouted

26.               A.strongly        B.immediately     C.simply D.suddenly

27.               A.resigned        B.started         C.left   D.arrived

28.               A.respect        B.understanding   C.support   D.love

29.               A.before         B.until           C.if D.unless

30.               A.chat           B.dine           C.walk  D.dance

31.               A.demanded      B.commanded     C.stressed   D.requested

32.               A.saying          B.complaining     C.admitting  D.reminding

33.               A.used           B.opposed        C.related    D.devoted

34.               A.joy            B.disappointment  C.excitement D.surprise

35.               A.terribly         B.completely      C.slightly    D.partly

36.               A.embarrassed    B.frightened      C.disturbed  D.disappointed

37.               A.Above all       B.After all        C.In addition D.In time

38.               A.party          B.interview       C.appointment   D.discussion

39.               A.defended       B.allowed        C.introduced D.excused

40.               A.time           B.money         C.pride D.confidence

