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When I was a six-year-old girl, I spent the summer with my grandmother.She sent me down to the store with a list.Behind the counter(柜台) was a lady,Miss White.

“Excuse me,”I said,she looked up. “I need to get these.”I continued,holding up my list. “So?Get them?”Miss White pointed to a sign. “There is no one else here except you and me,and I am not your servant(仆人),so get yourself a basket over there.”

I visited Miss White twice a week that summer.Going to the store was like going into a war.But by the end of the summer,I could finish the one-hour shopping trip in around 15 minutes.Before returning home,I stopped at the store to get some candies at the last time.

“All right,”she said, “What did you learn this summer?”

“That you are mean(吝啬的)!”I replied.

Miss White just laughed. “I know what you think of me,”she said. “Well,I don’t care!My job is to teach every child I meet life lessons.You will be glad when you are older!”Glad I met Miss White?Ha!The idea was unreasonable.

Many years later,one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

“It is too bad,”she said.

“Could you finish my math problems for me?”

“If I do it for you,how will you learn to do it yourself?” I said.Suddenly,I was back at the store where I had learned the hard way to do shopping by myself.

Life is full of all kinds of troubles.You may be given a hand once or twice,but luck may not find you every time.So try to work it out yourself.

1.What did Miss White probably do?

A. A teacher.

B. A shop assistant.

C. A bank clerk.

2.Why did the little girl stop before returning home?

A. Because she wanted to say goodbye to Miss White.

B. Because she needed the help of Miss White.

C. Because she wanted to buy something.

3.What do you think of Miss White according to the passage?

A.She is intelligent.

B.She is mean.

C.She is lazy.

4.What does the underlined word“unreasonable”mean?




5.What did the little girl learn from Miss White’s life lessons?

A.We have to learn how to ask for help.

B.We have to learn how to get on with strangers.

C.We have to try to work out troubles by ourselves.

