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The family is where a child learns words and their meanings. What you say and how you say it has an important effect on how your child will view himself and his world.1.Their cries let the family know that they are hungry, tired or need to be held. The family is how a child learns to understand and to express his wants, needs, feelings opinions and ideas.

Include your child in conversations from the very beginning. Help him join in. At first the sounds are babbling(婴儿发出的咿呀声).2.Families who include their children in conversation give their children important practice in communication and social skills, as well as a better chance for future success.

3.Talk about what you did, what you are doing, and what you plan to do. Provide your child with words for his feelings. Help him to state them. A child who can say, “ I am disappointed”, or “ I’m really happy” can share more about his world. A child who can use words will feel more safe. Encourage your child to speak up and ask questions. 4.

5.From the time they are very young, they can tell when adults are distracted or not listening. If they think their part of the conversation is not being listened to, they will become mad.

Take the time to build communication within your family. Think about the words you use and take the time to truly listen to what is being said.

A. Let your child talk on the phone

B. Give your child words for everything.

C. Then slowly the child learns to join in.

D. Children are really aware of adult communication.

E. Young children especially like to see their words in print.

F. This is a way to learn more about the world, and contribute to conversation.

G.. Babies communicate their needs and wants from the first moments of their life.

