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How to politely refuse an invitation

Have you ever received an invitation that you couldn’t accept? Do you have difficulty in refusing it without hurting someone’s feelings?1.If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. In fact, this happens to most people at some time in their lives. Here are some tips on how to turn down an invitation in a polite way.

2.Putting the invitation aside to deal with it later isn’t good for you or the person who sent it. He needs to know whether or not you will be there. Ignoring the invitation shows that you don’t know proper etiquette(礼节), and you might be left off the guest list for his next party.

Be honest. You don’t ever have to come up with false excuses for why  you’re unable to go to the event, but you also don’t have to go into details.3.    That will be enough.

Ask for a different time. If the invitation is not proper for you, let the person know you’re unable to make it at the time he requested.4. In this way, both of you won’t feel uncomfortable about the event.

Don’t over-explain.5. Long and unclear explanations will make it   sound like you’re just trying to come up with excuses.

A. Don’t ignore the invitation.

B. Don’t respond immediately.

C. Let him know that you already have plans.

D. Do you wonder what you should send to the inviters?

E. If you can’t make it, keep your explanation short and to the point.

F. Does it trouble you to turn someone down?

G. But tell him you’d love to get together with him at another time.

