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When people go to the hospital to have a medical examination, sometimes doctors will ask them  to  have  an X-ray or  CT. What about a PET? PET stands for Positron Emission.

Tomography(正电子成像素). PET scanner(s  扫描仪)create 3-D images of what is happening in the body. Scientists are devloping this medical equipment that could tell them more about the human body, and help them develop more-effective treatments for cancer, heart disease and brain disorders. It would be the world’s first full-body PET scanner.

Researchers are calling the large scanner that they are developing Explorer. It will give medical workers images of what is happening in the whole human body that have never been seen before. PET scanners now give doctors images of only parts of the body.

The U.S National Institutes of Health gave a research team at the University of California at Davis $ 15.5 million to build the scanner.

Ramsey Badawi, a professor at UC Davis, says the scanner will give researchers new information about how human organs (器官)work together.

“We’re a system of organs and all the organs interact with each other. And we’ve never really been able to get that with imaging before, and now we’re going to be able to look at that. These images help us find out and follow diseases. The new scanner will help us do that even better.”

Simon Cherry, another professor at UC Davis, says the PET scans can show the progress of both disease and medical treatments. “With PET scans we’re looking at function. We’re actually able to say something about what the cells in the body are doing. He says the Explorer uses a much lower amount of radiation(辐射)than today’s PET tests, and creates images more quickly. “So we can do scans in maybe 30 seconds that now take 20 minutes. Or we do scans under a very small radiation.”

A complete view could help researchers develop new medicines that target diseases and parts of the body. It could help doctors reduce harmful side effects by following the movement of medicines through the body.

The researchers hope to test the Explorer with humans in three years.

1.What is the most obvious advantage of Explorer about the image it produces?

A. It will give doctors images of human organs.

B. It can offer doctors images of the whole human body.

C. It will give doctors images of only parts of the body.

D. It will give doctors images of better quality.

2.What does the word “It” mean in the last but one paragraph?

A. The body B. A new medicine

C. A complete view D. A disease

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward Explorer?

A. Doubtful B. Positive

C. Supportive D. Objective

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. PET scanners create 3-D images.

B. Doctors will develop more effective treatments for cancer.

C. The world’s first PET scanner will be put into use.

D. A full-body PET scanner is being developed.

