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How to Build the Skill of Understanding People

It’s not always easy to predict or understand how someone else feels. Some people are better at it than others, but just about everyone can improve with practice.1..

It starts with watching.

Try these ways to develop your observation skills.

2. Next time you’re at the cafe, or on the bus, try this: Look  around and try to  identify how people might be feeling based on their body language, facial expressions, and what they’re doing. The girl with the textbooks on her knee might have an exam coming up.Does she seem confident or stressed?

Read books or watch movies that have realistic descriptions of human emotions. 3. Try to understand why the characters feel the way they do. Based on those emotions, predict what a character will do next. Or see if you can explain why a charater did what he or she did.

It improves with listening.

Most of us rate ourselves as good listeners after all, listening seems like such a simple, basic thing to do. But often we’re so busy thinking of what we want to say that we don’t listen as much as we’d like.

Practice listening well in everyday conversations.4. Train  yourself  to  think  of listening as more important than talking.

Tune in to feelings as well as story. When a friend tells you about something, try to imagine how he or she might have felt. Make statements that show you’re trying to understand your friend’s experience, like: “Oh, that must have felt amazing!” or “That must be upsetting for you.”5.

A. Observe what people around you like.

B. Observe the behavior of people around you.

C. Here are some tips for you to share the skill.

D. Pay attention to how different characters feel and act.

E. Really pay attention to what the other person is saying.

F. Understanding others is all about watching and listening.

G. You might find you can predict what your friend will say next.

