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W: Can you help me?

M: Well, you could use e-mail to keep in touch with your family and your friends in New Zealand …

W: I know … but to tell you the truth, I'd rather talk to them by phone. It’s   1.  personal that way.

M: But seriously, there are lots of other things you can do with a computer   2.  word processing and e-mail.

W: Like what?

M: Well, first of all, the Internet, of course.

W: Yes, I know, you seem to be   3.  all the time. What do you do,   4. the net?

M: Sometimes. But mostly I use the Internet to get   5.  about things I'm interested and to talk about music with people all over the world.

W: How do you do that?

M: Do you know   6.  a discussion group is?

W: No.

M: Well, it's a kind of club. Its   7.  meet online, and uh, anyone who's interested can   8. the group. If you're the member, you can go online anytime you want and read messages   9.  in by other members. And of course you could also reply to any message, Um, here, look, there are ten   10.  discussion groups and live chats. You can communicate with people from all over the world any time.

W: That sounds great! And if I had a computer, I could do research at home. I wouldn’t have to do all my work in the computer lab at school.

